Friday, October 9, 2009


We made two lists of what we found AWESOME and broke the class into 4 teams, each team picking an AWESOME environment and AWESOME mythological beast. For the next 6 weeks each individual will be graded on their homework but each week will also have a winning team for each assignment. We spent a good amount of time researching the various locals and collecting photos which are the key to creating a believable scene. We also discussed how hard each student wants to be graded on a scale of 1-10, and be warned "10's" you will cry by week 6:)

I gave a handout from a book called Composition of Outdoor Painting by Edgar Payne and talked about composition types and we worked for a bit creating compositions using only black and grey.

HOMEWORK - 10 thumbnail sketches of your character in an environment using ONLY black, grey and white. Create a 3000 x 2000 pixel file, put a slim black border on it, and do 4 sketches per page. Make sure the shot is EPIC and features your chosen character.

PLEASE BRING - A thumb drive to the next class if you get this in time:)

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